Sunday, September 8, 2019

Over IT

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You know what...?  Don't come to the theater on OPENING FUCKING WEEKEND of a very popular movie...Then get all bent out of shape when things aren't perfect for you!  

1.  When we are BUSY...Things take a bit longer.  GET OVER IT!

2.  When we get busy...Things get messy.  GET OVER IT!
(Hell it's YOUR mess anyway..and getting mad at ME - Ya...Just walk away!)

3.  When we are busy...There are going to be LINES!    GET OVER IT!

I'll still kick your sorry ass out if you yell at me about any of this!

Ya...I saw the movie...As far as scary  movies go, it was not too bad.  I really liked the first IT better...But this one still had a nice evil vibe. :)

Here's what I dont get about the OPENING WEEKEND of ANY movie....

What is it that makes everyone in the damn state flock to the theater at the same time..?

Why is it sooo important to you, that you see this movie on opening weekend..?

The movie will be out for a few months....
Why stress yourself out and come on a Saturday night?  

I don't get it.
Cause all you do is complain because its "soo busy"...Ya you did this to yourself buddy!

And CHRISTMAS....Oh ... My ... GOD!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Where's The Customer Service?

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Pretty much what the world is coming to...

You can't talk to anyone, unless it's to bitch about your bad experience...
But even then....No one really seems to care.

So, I was picking up contacts at the eye place, that we had been going to for the last 10 YEARS... The lady behind the counter says...
"Here's your contacts...But we don't take your insurance anymore..."

WTF - Excuse me...? 

"Did you not know this when I ordered them 2 weeks ago...!???" 

"Uh Yeah, someone was supposed to tell or card..?"


I tell the girl that it was really poor customer service, and she just batted her extremely long fake lashes...and said ..."Yeah well this isn't MY problem..."
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Let me tell you....If you are working for a place, no matter where...YOU represent the company...So IT...Is VERY much YOUR PROBLEM!

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Where the heck has GOOD customer service gone...?
It's like no one really cares anymore.

I pride myself on treating people well....I may bitch and moan here, but I seriously LOVE customers who come to me, with issues I can fix....And TRUST ME...I can fix just about anything....As long as you're not a dick to me, I'll do just about anything...
(Just about)
(Get ure mind outta the gutter)

The other day....Someone...let's call him George, was working Guest Services...

This dude comes up, obviously frustrated.

He had bought concessions, and tried to go to the theater that was showing up on his phone....But when he got there, his movie wasn't playing....

He was angry, and put out.

He starts off by saying his movie isn't playing in theater 7...

Juggling popcorn, drinks and nachos...

I'm observing from a few feet away, just to see what's happening...

George glances at the customers phone...and notices that the dude is at the WRONG theater -- Like the theater he is supposed to be at is 30 miles South...


Well kinda.

George - and Im not kidding says this to him...
"Oh...This sucks, you're at the wrong theater...sorry but there's nothing we can do for you...since YOU made the mistake..."

HOLY SHIT....NO!!!!!!

This problem is EASY TO FIX,.....GEORGE...What did you just do!?!

I race over to where the customer was understandably becoming enraged...

"George...actually this is something we can fix."
I look at the customer and apologize for the trouble...I verify his tickets, and get him into the next showing available.

He was very grateful and praised me for taking over....Said some unkind words to George, and went on his way...

Point is...Don't just take the easy way out. 

Treating people with respect and kindness isn't hard.

Go out and don't be a dick to someone today...Please..?  

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


First of all....It's a myth that we use LAST NIGHTS popcorn for the current day.  It doesn't happen.  But -- of course, you get a few people who just don't believe you.

This lady comes up to the counter, telling me that her popcorn is not fresh.  Yeah...Well....

We pop FRESH God damned popcorn all day long.  She wasn't having ANY of my calm explanation...I was nice...and told her she was eating FRESH popcorn.

So I go to the popper - to get her the "fresher" popcorn....

If you haven't noticed...I HATE being disrespected.  The way I am spoken to sometimes...Oh man...Makes me want to strangle someone.

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If you are NICE to ME...I am going to be nice to you.  Simple...Right?!

As I'm filling her popcorn...I can hear her telling me...
"MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T have any of those 'shell-type-things...I WANT FRESH...I'm paying 10 damn dollars for this shit...and I want it GOOD..."

I can feel the heat in my body rising 

I'm holding back my words...

I'm so angry at this point...
I wanted to flick a booger into her 'Fresh' popcorn...

I resisted....

I'm more mature than this...

But Come On Lady.

I get it.
U wanted FRESH...

Oh yeah...and people using a STRAW to butter their popcorn....

You're just going to make a bigger mess for me to clean up...
and It doesn't really work anyway.

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Angry man
HIM:   "Take My Damn Coupon!"

ME:    "Uh Sir...This coupon is for a different theater" (A competitor)

HIM:  "Annnnd...?  If you want to be successful, you should just take the coupon...Just like grocery stores do!"

ME:  "That's not the way it works Sir..."

HIM:  "You're just a stupid MINIMUM WAGE WORKER....Where's your supervisor..?"

ME:  "I'm it....Sir...either PAY for your items, or LEAVE!"

He paid.


Now if the guy wasn't an asshole...and treated me with some respect....
Here's how it COULD have gone....

HIM:  "Oh, my bad, I didn't realize this coupon was for another theater, I'm sorry."

ME:  "Oh it happens....How's your day going..?"

HIM:  "Oh it's are YOU...?"

ME:  "I'm great...You know, I will just go ahead and take the coupon....You have yourself a nice day.."


Sneaky Sneaky...I Don't Care!

key and peele movie theater sketch

Look.  You aren't clever.

We really don't give a shit.

Just...If you DO "sneak" crap in....Clean up after yourselves!  It's the LEAST you can do!

Here are some things we had to clean up...

You're a Dick...And you know it!
Image result for sunflower seed spit all over the movie theater floor
SUNFLOWER SEEDS...Spat all over the floor!

I've cleaned up an ENTIRE KFC dinner. 
Jerks left all the chicken bones on the floor..
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Cheap Bastard!
At least open the can of soda during a loud part of the movie.
And AGAIN...Take your trash with you on your way out.
Image result for soda cans in movie theater

If you read my other posts...You will see there are FAR WORSE things I've had to deal with....

So don't act like you have gotten away with some amazing crime...

Cuz, honestly - You're kinda lame.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Rated 'R'

Look...I'm not your parent.

I honestly don't give a shit if you want to see a rated R movie.

All I am doing, is trying to not get fired.

If you throw a tantrum becuz I am IDing you...You really are showing me that you aren't mature enough to see that movie...And I'll kick your sorry ass out.....

Test me on this....I dare you.

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We have 'Secret Shoppers' come by about once a month, to make sure we are following the rules...And I had to fire a kid, who sold tickets to SHAPE of WATER to a couple of 12 yr olds...

Seriously, I get it...I don't want to babysit you, or your kids...

But, just be cool and follow the damn rules.

If you're THAT desperate to see nudity, or violence...
There are websites for that.

STAY HOME, if you can't obey the rules. 


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Who the FUCK throws up in a drinking fountain!!???

We legit, have 15 garbage cans in our lobby....AND YOU CHOOSE THE DAMN DRINKING FOUNTAIN??

Gee thanks.

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